AGM 19 March 2024


AGM Minutes 2024
CF10 AGM 2024 Notification Letter.pdf
CF10 AGM 2024 Nomination Form 2024.docx
CF10 AGM 2024 Nomination Form 2024.pdf
Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Accounts 2022-23

Personal Statments
Lynn Glaister
Sally Carter
Hugh Campbell
Steve Coombs

AGM 29 March 2023

Annual Report 2021-22 (yet to be published)
Annual Accounts 2021-22

Personal Statements
Sally Carter
Andrew Collins
Derek Redwood

AGM 25 March 2020

There was no formal AGM in 2020 due to Covid-19.

Postponement Letter
Annual Report 2018/19
Annual Accounts 2018/19

Personal Statements
Derek Redwood
Simon Baker
Andrew Bold
Sally Carter
Andrew Collins
Lynn Glaister