
David became a member of CRFC in his final year at school and is now a 40-year member of CAC and a shareholder in Cardiff Blues Limited.

David is a Clinical Psychologist and Honorary Professor at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent. He retired from the NHS after 35 years service in 2012, and now runs his own training and consultancy business.

He became a member of CRFC in his final year at school and is now a 40-year member of CAC and a shareholder in Cardiff Blues Limited. David is also a huge cricket fan, being a long-term member of Glamorgan and MCC, and a music fan with very diverse tastes. He is a chorister with Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society (and has previously sung twice at the Thousand Voice Festival at the Royal Albert Hall with CACMVC), a massive Bruce Springsteen fan (having seen ‘the Boss’ 31 times across the UK, Europe and the USA to date), and of the operas of Richard Wagner (and will be attending the Bayreuth Festival for the first time this year); he is currently trying to learn to play the Mandocello, with mixed success.

He lives in the People’s Republic of Roath, is proud to be married to the assistant head at a local school for children with autistic spectrum disorders and the father of three fabulous girls.