As we all know, negotiations about the lease and future development of our beloved Arms Park have been rumbling on between Cardiff Blues and Cardiff Athletic Club for years. If the flurry of recent press activity is to be believed, there seems to be a chance that a conclusion to these negotiations is now finally in sight.

Some details were provided in the Western Mail Business section on August 23rd, with confirmation that a 150-year lease was being sought and the Blues clarifying the path to developing a new stadium within a two-year window.

Then came the slightly strange story in The Rugby Paper about the WRU taking over the club and the subsequent rebuttal by Peter Thomas.

The latest is a piece by Andy Howell outlining the virtues of what seems to be which clearly seems to have been fed by official sources at the Blues.

All the articles have attracted mixed levels of support, with the naysayers being quick to point out that we can’t fill the present ground let alone one half or twice a big. Crucial to our ability to do so is taking the views of those who pay money to go through the gate into account - so we’ve devised a quick survey to start this process off. We plan to use electronic polls to regularly check out the views of Trust members, but this one is accessible to anyone who wants to complete it.

Once finished, we’ll publish a summary report for the Cardiff Blues Board and online here. The more people that fill it in, the more the Board are likely to take note.

It only takes a few minutes to complete so please get to it and encourage other supporters to do so by sharing the link on social media or, dare we say it, just by word of mouth! You know it makes sense!


  • Sat, 03/09/2016 - 14:13 reply

    Well done keep up the good work, ignore the doom and DOWN MERCHANTS AND THINK BIG.

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