Wednesday 21st March sees the launch of the new online Cardiff Rugby Heritage Museum. The site contains over 800 items of rugby memorabilia-caps, jerseys, photographs, ties, trophies, programmes and season tickets-together with reports and results from each season since 1876.

The museum was the brainchild of members of CF10 Arms Park Supporters’ Trust volunteers, but importantly has been possible due to collaboration, hard work and dedication of volunteers from CF10 Rugby Trust, Cardiff Athletic Club, and Cardiff University (which has contributed the invaluable time of three of its Conservation students). All brought together by their love of Cardiff Rugby and history.

Sally Carter, a CF10 Board member who is employed at Amgueddfa Cymru, has led the practical work of placing the collection into safe storage, commented ‘This has been a superb team effort, without which much of this invaluable collection would soon have been lost forever’.

CF10 board member Simon Baker was responsible for much of the technical work on the database said “We’re really excited about this project because for the first time, this fantastic collection of rugby history is being made accessible to the general public”

You will be able to view the collection online from Wednesday at

Only the first step

Importantly, the museum contains items from both Cardiff RFC and Cardiff Blues. CF1O Chairman, David Allen, commented ‘We view the history of Cardiff rugby as a continuous one, and it’s therefore important that the museum reflects all its aspects’. The moving of items into storage is also a temporary measure.

As Allen explains, ‘Despite the recent complications, we are confident that the Arms Park will eventually be redeveloped, and part of the plan for the ground will be a fit-for-purpose heritage centre that will enable the whole collection to be made readily accessible to Cardiff rugby fans and the local community.

Whilst we are launching the online museum this week it is an ongoing work in progress. The priority so far has been cataloguing and photographing the artefacts, but the focus will now switch to providing the background to each item and getting all photographs professionally digitised. It is also planned to add oral histories from famous figures associated with the club to the website.

Very shortly, new displays of more recent memorabilia will be constructed, and many former players have already gifted or offered items on long-term loan. One of the most recent acquisitions is Sam Warburton’s jersey from the 2017 Lions Tour.


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