In his presentation at our open meeting, Will James from Swansea City Supporters’ Trust gave the clear warning that ‘Not everyone will like and support you’. This was no great news to us as anyone entering the murky politics of Welsh rugby soon learns this lesson.

Both prior to and since our meeting, there’s been a healthy debate on social media about the pros and cons of setting up a trust at Cardiff (and one in which the pros seem to have greatly have outweighed the cons).

One thing we have had some stick for however is a lack of clarity regarding trust policies at the open meeting, and so we wanted to quickly address this point here.

While we didn’t want to present a complete blank piece of paper on the 30th, the position is that a trust is a member-driven organisation. As the Cardiff Blues Rugby Trust has not even been formally constituted yet, it would have been completely inappropriate to have stood up at the open meeting and said that ‘We believe this’ and ‘We’re going to do that’ because this is something that the membership has to decide. 

So, patience all. What we’re focussed on is establishing an organisation and structure that provides a clear voice for the majority of supporters, season members and shareholders at the club. What that voice says will be determined on a one person, one vote basis. 

So…you shouldn’t be worried that we didn’t roll out a set of ready made policies on the 30th. You should actually have worried had we done so as we would clearly have breached the core principles of trust governance in so doing.

We hope that makes things a bit clearer! Keep the chat coming!

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