Thanks to everyone who attended our open meeting on March 30th and the many others who expressed support for the Trust beforehand but who were unable to attend on the night. 

A full agenda was kicked off by a performance by the Cardiff Arms Park Male Voice Choir who did a grand job in setting the scene and reminding us of the special place that is CAP. We then heard two presentations that helped provide a context for what we’re seeking to do at Cardiff. The first, by James Mathie of Supporters Direct, described the background to the development of Supporters’ Trusts and what they are able to deliver; this was followed by Will Morris talking about the many achievements of the Swansea City Supporters’ Trust, which in many ways provides a model for us to copy (irrespective of the fact that the model comes from a different sport). Andy Baker then described why we felt a trust was important at Cardiff Blues. Andy’s presentation included a brief video of great Cardiff/Cardiff Blues tries from 1953 to the current date, and used this to explain how the trust working party had come up with its strapline. As an aside, the chair of the working party has had to stop watching this now as he finds the whole thing too emotional!

A busy question and answer session then followed before the key part of the evening-the vote to determine whether or not those present wanted a trust established at Cardiff Blues. 

The result was a unanimous ‘yes’-for which we’re truly grateful. The hard work starts from here-and we’ll use this ‘news’ section to keep you informed as to where we’re up to in the process of getting the trust up and running.

Finally, our thanks are also due to Cardiff Blues who provided the venue at no charge, to Simon Baker from T&M Technical Services who provided the invaluable audio visual equipment, Ieuan Morris from Cactus Designs  for the superb graphics, and Amy Cuff from the BBC for her brilliant work on the video.

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