The trust is involved in an exciting project that could help pave the way for a Cardiff Rugby heritage centre at the new Arms Park. We’re currently working with Simon Down of Cardiff Rugby Football Club to catalogue all the items in the Hubert Johnson room and stored elsewhere around the club; our aim is to do the same with memorabilia owned by the Cardiff Blues.

We’ll then be seeking to build on this by appealing to former players and their families for further material and to keep adding to the content as our history evolves. Simon also has tons of video material from old Cardiff and Cardiff Blues matches that we’re seeking to store digitally; along with oral histories that we’d like to collect from current and past players, we see these as forming the basis for interactional displays that will help bring this material to life.

Our aim is to lead on a National Lottery Heritage Fund bid that we help create a state-of-the-art accessible to all facility in the new ground complex, and we’re lucky to be able to access to expert advice in terms of putting a bid together.


  • Fri, 30/09/2016 - 16:49 reply

    Br great if there was an online element with scanned team photos etc available on line, perfect place to air those videos too

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